Now… This is Brilliant!

Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make everyday
It’s your choice to show up or else nobody can show up for you
It’s your choice to Be, to Do and to Get Real
There are people who consciously practice Being Real, Do Real things and Get Real. But there are people who don’t.
The rest of us are Authentic on some days but not on other days. We are just human beings whose work is still in progress.
Trust me, even though I consciously practice it but it’s still something that I work towards.
I am aware that self-doubt, guilt, shame caused me to sell myself short and be anybody you need me to be.
However, awareness and constantly making real choices is the beginning, learning and growing to be Authentic.
Having the courage to be imperfect, make mistakes and even fail. If we don’t embrace that, we cannot release the Brilliance within us.
We must choose to be Open and Honest, and also understand our limitations and set boundaries. On the other hand, we have to also allow ourselves to be vulnerable. It is a Balance that we must keep.
We must choose to constantly cultivate warm compassion in the world of high and cool technologies. Always bear in mind of people that may not Be, Do or even Get what we have and remember the early struggles to be where we are now.
We must choose to be connected and have a sense of belonging that can only happen when we believe that we are good enough.
Brilliance is a conduit as mystery of human performance is unveiled at the Convergent point.
Most of us have a heightened and frozen fear experience that freezes us, slows us and even stops us from taking our next step.
Many of us know that the secret to Success, Productivity and high performance is Confidence.
Some of us may have good looks, contacts, qualifications, intelligence. All these help but for many of the highest achievers I have met, their greatest asset has been their ability to learn to be in the place called the “Brilliance Zone”
Brilliance Zone is a place, where moments of sharp, focused attention are amplified. It creates a quality of mind that is cool, calm and clear all at the same time. That quality of mind forms the foundation of which we build all our present and future success.
Brilliance Zone is a birthplace of innovation and creativity for brighter future. My past is nothing more than a history of how well I have done. But what matters most is how well I deal with each irretrievable “Now” so that we always look forward for some “New” tomorrow.
The future is nothing more than an approaching series of “Nows” which becomes my tomorrow glow of a brighter “Now” which gives me chance to give birth for all things “New”.
Brilliance Zone is where it clicks like magic. A place where “miracles” happen and to many others, it is meant to be their
So that when they are in the Brilliance Zone, we make connections we missed before.
We invite you into the Brilliance Zone, Have you ever been there?
If not, it’s a place where the 4P(s) converge
Where is the 4P(s)?
Sometimes, we feel that something is happening to us and suddenly we experienced the “zone” but many people want more than just random experiences of Brilliance Zone that are few and far in-between.
We all want to know step by step how to get there.
We want to cultivate and learn the “how to” specifically, so we can experience the state of blessedness, blissfulness and brightness.
We have taken 20 years to develop this special program called
This is the forefront of discovering the triggers in order to harness the “Zone State”
Just like the many wide ranging examples of extraordinary performance from disciplines such as
As well as the recent Michael Jackson and Michael Jordan’s wizardry and magical hall of Basketball, Michael Ang has been a keen practical observer how a major athletic of scientific breakthrough can be experienced by all ordinary people and become extraordinary so that many feel that they can Be the Best, Do the Best things and Get to Perform at their Best.
Now this is Brilliance Zone!